Boost Your Mental Health With Juno Bamboo Water

Boost Your Mental Health With Juno Bamboo Water - Juno Bamboo Water

Are you mindful of your mental health? Here at Juno Bamboo Water, we take mental health seriously!

We’re excited to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week and raise awareness of the importance of looking after your mental and physical health.

It’s 2022, and time to talk! There are many steps to addressing mental health, from talking to loved ones to getting active; we’re passionate about taking health into our hands.

But did you know bamboo water can help to boost your wellbeing? Keep reading to find out how!

How Can Bamboo Water Help?

There are many natural ways to tackle mental health, and one of the best methods is to increase your nutrition and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

We designed our hydrating bamboo water to nourish your body and mind. We strive to offer a drink that helps you feel your best with a carefully selected list of ingredients and a mindful taste.

Juno Bamboo Water provides:

  • Antioxidants and minerals - boost your immune system and mental functions.
  • Bamboo leaf extract - this has been used for years as a de-stressing tool and healing ingredient.
  • Hydration - is essential for everyone’s mental health and to detoxify the body.
  • A moment of peace! - When you take a moment to enjoy bamboo water, you can relax during a stressful day.

Explore the health benefits of bamboo water in more detail here.

What else can be done?

Improving mental wellness is done by including many small healthy habits in your day, rather than opting for big changes.

Here's a quick list of tips to increase mental wellness:

1. Exercise. Include exercise in your routine: cycle to work, take the stairs, go for a jog with friends, enjoy the outdoors, etc.

2. Meditate. Try short guided meditations with Headspace or Calm

3. Be in the present. Certain activities such as reading, painting, trying new hobbies, learning new skills, baking can help.

4. Connect with others and spend quality time with friends and family.

5. Choose a healthy diet. Bin bad habits such as smoking, alcohol, and caffeine, where possible. 

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